Monday, October 22, 2012

Preliminary Task Script

GORDON: [Walking up stairs] [Carrying bag/briefcase]
[Camera Cuts]
NATASHA: [Loads gun]
[Cut back to GORDON]
GORDON: [Opens door, Match on Action][Looks shifty and nervous][Walks down corridor-tracking. Sound of gunshot, - drops to the floor]
NATASHA: [Runs in, takes bag.][Walks up to other door, enters room, sits down.]
IRENE: [Authorative posture.] Were the documents obtained?
NATASHA: Yes ma’am. [Opens briefcase, shows documents]
IRENE: [Takes documents] And the target was eliminated?[Bored tone, reading over documents]
These are still in code![Angry]
NATASHA: I know, ma’am.
IRENE: [Annoyed] Why?! I need these decoded immediately! [Hands back documents]
NATASHA: [Takes documents] There is only one person who can decode these [Coyly]
IRENE: [Rising Anger] Well who?!
NATASHA: I’ve just killed him ma’am.
[Cuts to IRENE’s face which is unimpressed]

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