Friday, March 15, 2013

Why are we remaking a film opening?

 The point of remaking a film opening is to get a perspective on how much work we need to put in to create a good opening sequence and how much planning pays off when creating the titles. Remaking a film opening gives us the idea of how much work and planning goes into a film opening without actually having to come up with ideas ourselves, we have the guidelines and we can follow them. Also, creating something that already exists with our group gives us an idea of how we work together as a unit and whom is best at what things for quick efficiency when creating our actual opening.

Why we chose the opening? 
The film opening we chose was Superbad. This is because the genre of the film is not something we'd like to do for our own opening sequence and so we would like to experience and prove that we are able to create openings for another genre of film. Also, the sequence requires some level of animation and we would like to be able to experiment and try to recreate the animation on the software we have at school to practice for our own opening sequence. Superbad isn't the easiest of openings, we'd like to push ourselves to see if we could create something of some level of quality and gain new skills when working with the animation.

Chosen film opening 

My group have chosen to remake the opening scene from the film SuperBad, we have decided to do with as it will challenge us with how we film it, it doesn't have many camera angles, however it does involve a lot of directing in terms of how our cast cooperate and also how they perform. It will also challenge us in terms of the way we edit it, as we want to remake to look as similar tot he original as we can, we are going to be using Final Cut Express to edit it apposed to IMovie as we think it will look more professional and will help us practice for when we make our real film opening.

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