Friday, May 3, 2013

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
There are many differences between our preliminary task and our final product, the main difference that is most visable is the quality of our product, this is due to the cameras we used and our knowledge of the programme we used to edit, IMovie. When making our preliminary task we used a standard non-hd video camera to film, as we had never actually made a film opening before, we had minimal knowledge of how to use the camera and the types of shots and camera angles we were going to be using, also we didn't use a tripod which meant that our shots wern't always steady. However when we filmed our final film opening, we had experience and a lot more knowledge of how to make our film opening look good quality and professional. We used a brand new HD Canon video camera, which meant the quality of our film was conciderably better than our preliminary task, also when filming our actual film opening we used a tripod, this meant that our film was steady and all the shots looked smooth and professional.
We planning our preliminary task we did minimal amount of planning for it, we only did a shot list, storyboard and script, we went into the filming with a very limited idea of what we were going to do, we only had a rough outline of what we wanted our preliminary task to be about and we filmed with mainly unprepared actors, minimal costumes and props, which at points looked very unprofessional and fake. However when it came round to making our final film opening, we did a very large amount of detailed planning into the genre we were filming, previous films in that genre, the titles, the institution logos and the audience we were aiming it at. On the day of filming we all had our own packs with our planning, our multiple storyboards, shot list, scripts and roles inside them, so we all knew what we were doing and when we had to do this, unlike in our preliminary task. This extra planning for our final film is clearly visible in our final film, this like props and quality are clearly different and improved. For example the gun used in our preliminary task is quite clearly fake, where as the shells in our opening are obviously real. 

In our preliminary task we didn't have an establishing shot, this meant that the audience were being thrown straight into viewing the film without knowing anything about the location or setting, whoever in our final film opening, we used an establishing shot, so the audience knew where they were and the location of the film opening. We used a lot more complex shots in our final film opening, such as pans and low angles, where as in our preliminary task most of our angle and shots were shaky and unsteady. We made sure this wasn't the case with our final product, and after doing various rough cuts and watching our final cut, it certainly isn't. 

We know definitely feel more confident and comfortable using the equipment and cameras, when we filmed our preliminary task we had very minimal knowledge and confidence with using the equipment meaning our shots and angles and overall outcome of the film wasn't very good, we entered and came away from making our final film opening with a much better understand of how to use things such as cameras and the setting that they have on them, tripods and the different ways you can move and adjust it, and the editing software which we used on the macs. When we did our preliminary task we had very limited knowledge of iMovie and didn't really know what we were doing most of the time, but when it come round to editing our final film we knew what we were doing and where everything in the programme was. 

We also took into consideration the costumes that our actors where wearing a lot more in our final product than we did in our preliminary task. In our preliminary task we simply mentioned to the actors roughly what we wanted them to wear and look like and just let them bring their own costumes, this meant that our preliminary task looked very rough and unprofessional because the actors weren't wearing very good costumes. However when we filmed our final task we made sure that we had planned what we wanted our actors to wear and had given them the exact specifications for their costumes, meaning our film looked more professional and well finished. 

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