Thursday, January 17, 2013

Difference Between Film Opening & Trailer


There are many factors in a film trailer which helps you tell it apart from a film opening. One of the main factor is the way a trailer tells you some brief information about the plot and story line without giving away the key elements of the film, doing this makes the viewer excited and makes them want to go and see it. Another factor is part of the editing, alot of fade to blacks are used in a trailer, this shows how the film and the clips are switching to and from scenes, also giving you a brief overview of the plot and storyline. Another big factor is the fact a trailer is normally in montage form, meaning it switched from scene to scene using small clips and sections of the film, this also helps give the audience some clues about the plot and storyline. Normally in a trailer the title of the film and the name of the featured actors are near the end, this means that the audience will watch the whole of the trailer so they can see the title and actors. Also the trailer will normaly feature a tagline, this gives the audience something to remember for when they go to see the film. The logo of the institituon that is making the film is always at the start of a trailer, this is to show the audience who is making the film, this may help the audience relate to other films that that company has made that they may have enjoyed. All of these factor come together and are used overall to grab the audiences attention and make them want to see the film.

The trailer for Forest Gump is a perfect example of a film trailer, it gives the viewer a brief overview of the characters and the main story line of the film, it also uses come fade to blacks, it is also in a montage form, flipping to and from differen scenes and time periods. It has the institutions logo at the begining and it gives information about the main actores in the film, and the trailer ends by telling the audience the name of the film.


In a film opening, unlike in a trailer, it is used to set the scene and give the audience information about the intitutions that are involved and also the cast and crew. The film title normally features a few minutes in and the main cast and crews names are listed out on the screen. The opening of a film normally gives away a lot about the setting of the movie and the main characters and plot, however some films have very vague and basic openings to help create a sense of mystery and tension, however most openings are just scene setting the titles and casts names going over the top. Normally the pattern and style of editing is echoed in the rest of the film, so the trailer gives you some hints to what the rest of the film may look like. Sometimes the opening of a film may be a flashback or scene in the past, this may be done to help the viewer have a better understanding of what is going to happen in the rest of the film. The opening of a film is used to set up for the rest of the film, preparing the viewer for watching the rest, and not giving them a brief overview of the whole film like a trailer.

The opening of the film Forest Gump is a good example of an opening because it sets the scene of the film and introduces you to the main character of the film. It also uses titles to tell the audience who made the film, whose in it and the name of it. It has the logo of the institution at the beginning of the clip and the titles and cast names are not intergrated with the scene making it a very simple opening scene.

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