Thursday, April 25, 2013

Analysis of Drama Film Openings

My Sisters Keeper (2009)

-Tragedy Drama
-Weirdly Happy
-Family crisis
-Family home

-Voice over
-Non-Diegetic music

-Simple, all same font
-Not integrated

At the beginning of this clip it isn't completely clear that the genre of the film is a drama, or in fact a tragedy drama, due to the fact the beginning is mainly a flashback, however as the clip progresses you begin to get an understanding of the genre due to the fact the voice over talks about how she was born to help her sister, then you begin to understand that it is a drama about a family issue. It is very clear that the narrative of this film opening is about a flashback and the character who is reading the voice over reminiscing about her life and experiences. The main character in this film opening is the young girl who is reading the voice over but you get an understand from what she is saying there there is a family situation with two parents and multiple siblings. The overall atmosphere of the film opening is very reflective with mixtures of happiness and sadness, this is because she is reflecting on her life but at the same time sounds upset because of this as well. The main themes of this openings are illness, slight themes of death and mainly an unstable family crisis or situation, you understand this from what the character reading the voice over is saying about why she was born. The setting is very vague but you can see that it is set on a beach and what seems to be the family home. The main sounds in this film opening are a piece of music which goes with the atmosphere of the opening being very reflective and reminiscent, but also the voice over plays a key part in the opening as it sets the tone of the film and also inform the viewer of the back story of that character and their family. The titles used in this openings are very small and basic, they are typically kept in the corners and sides of the shot and not much attention in on them in this opening.

The Social Network (2010)


-Social Networking
-Progression of life

-College Students
-Main Character Male
-Break ups 
-College Campus
-Diegetic speech from characters
-Non-Diegetic soundtrack played 
-Very reflective and emotional
-Mainly central
-Not Integrated 
At the start of the clip you are already given an idea that the film maybe in the genre of Drama, this is because of the fact that the two character featured at the start of this clip are having a heated conversation about their lives, this suggests from the beginning that this film is a Drama. The main narratives of this film opening are Social networking, you get this from the title of the film and also a progression of someones life, due to the fact the male in this opening has just broken up with his girlfriend and is moving on with his life, however not very much else happens in this opening so it is unclear what all the narratives are. There are only two main characters in this film opening, which are two young college student, one male and one female, you get this information as it is clear that they are on a college campus. The atmosphere of this film opening is very angry near the start, due to the fight that the two main characters are having, however afterward when the male is walking home, you get a sense of anticipation for the future and rest of the film but also you feel sadness coming from the male character as her has obviously just broken up with his girlfriend. The main themes of this opening are relationships and break-ups, this is because of the two main characters in the beginning of the clip, another theme of this opening is also college life due to the fact it is set in a college campus and in a bar which seems to be inside the college campus also. In this clip there is diegetic speech of the two main characters fighting and arguing in the bar, with chatting behind them. Once the male character has left the bar and makes his way home a piece of non-diegetic music is played, which varies in mood, at points it sounds very sad but at other points it sounds very angry, this helps the audience understand how the character is feeling. The titles used in this piece are very typical of any film, the company who have made the film come up near the beginning, the directors name right at the end and the title of the film near the beginning also. The titles are small and white, although they are hard to read at point, the fact they are white contrasts well with the dark lighting through this opening helping them to stick out more. Also due to the fact the title of the film is in the font and style of the social networking site Facebook, means that a lot of people will recognise this, which will draw the audiences attention. 

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