Sunday, January 27, 2013

Analysis Of Film Openings

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo



-not much given away in terms of setting in opening scene. 
-lyrics start as title of film is shown
-creates a sense of fear
-integrated at parts
-all one font
-contrasting colour to the black in clip
At the beginning of the clip you already begin to see the genre of the opening and of the film, you can see that due to the darkness of the clip and the music used that the genre is somewhere along the lines of a horror, thriller or an action film. The narrative of the opening clip and whole of film is very vague a the opening clip is very repetitive and doesn't really show much in terms of setting and character. The only characters that are shown in the film are various men and women covered in a tar like substance, however nothing about main characters is given away. The atmosphere of the opening clip is very tense, scary and holds a lot of anticipation, this is mainly due to the music. The themes of the of the film aren't given away much either however the opening gives away potential themes of drowning, fear and even death. The setting isn't given away at all except for the fact it may be set in a lake or in water. The sound is very fast pace and fearful, it creates a lot of tension and also when the title of the film appears the lyrics of the song begin, this draws the audiences attention to the title. The titles of the film are only slightly integrated when the title appears, accept for that the credits and cast are simply overlaid.

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