Monday, January 28, 2013

Independent Research into Titles

Psycho (1998) 

The opening of the film Psycho shows typical title features of a film in the genre of horror. It is a very basic, however very dramatic opening title sequence with dramatic music which adds to the overall feel of the sequece. The titles used are white on a black and green background which means they contrast a lot and also stand out a great deal. Also when the name of the film appears the titles come jagged which draws the attention of the viewer.

From Russia With Love (1963)

In the film opening for From Russia With Love the titles and the clips in the title sequence give away some of the themes which will be seen in the film, also due to the fact the titles arent fully revealed at first, they only glimpse at the name of the film and the actors, suggests that this will happen in the plot of the film, it creates a sense of mystery. Also the titles are in bright colours such as red and yellow on a background of a womans body which is very dark, this helps the titles stand out as they contrast well.

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