Friday, January 18, 2013

Film Opening Analysis

Catch Me If You Can
-get away

-one man chasing another
-two male leads
-men more dominant
-relaxed considering the genre
-New York
-many settings
-fast tempo
-sets mood
-integrated with the film and movement
-specific order to them
-name of the film near start


At the beginning of the trailer you can see due to the pace and music used in the clip that the genre is either action, thriller or drama. You can also see that narrative is to do with a chase or a get away as the cartoons in the clip feature two main characters who are following each other, on a high speed chase throughout. You discover from the beginning of the film some information about the characters that are going to feature,  you find out that two of the main characters are males, as they both have titles near the beginning, also the cartoons feature various different women, however men are made out to be more dominant in this clip. The music used in the clip creates and air of mystery and tension throughout, setting the mood for the film, it also adds anticipation. You know a few seconds in the main themes and settings of the opening, the two cartoon men are featured in an airport, which suggests themes of travel, they are also features in a hotel resort which has connotations of romance, they are also featured in a car chase in New York, this connotes crime. The music plays a big part in this clip as it sets the mood for the whole of the film and helps put empathise on everything else features, the music is very tense but surprisingly upbeat and happy considering the themes of the film.  The titles in the film are integrated with the clip meaning parts of the clip link into the title, for example when the male cartoon gets out of the swimming pool, the ladder is part of someones name. 

My Best Friends Wedding

-irony (caught her own bouquet)

-happy ending
-ring, veil, dress
-studio (for dancing and singing section)

-catchy song
-old fashioned
-wishing & hoping, links in with theme
-worked around the girls
-calligraphy (hand written like wedding invite)
-not integrated  


at the beginning of the clip you can already see that the genre of the film is going to be along the lines of a comedy and a romantic film, this is due to the very dramatic acting and the fact there is a bride in the clip. The narrative is also very clear, you can see one of the main one is love as one of the women in the clip is in a wedding dress and also there are bridesmaids surrounding her, also another narrative throughout the film may be irony, as the bride catches her own bouquet. You can clearly see the character that are going to feature are a bride, which obviously means there will be a groom, and there are also bridesmaids, this all suggests there will be family as well as they are normally present at a wedding. The atmosphere is very happy, cheesy and joyful, this is down to the very catchy upbeat song which is being sung and also the theme. The themes and setting of the clip are very clear, they are dressed for a wedding so there is obviously going to be a wedding setting which normally involves a church and reception, there are things like rings and veils which back this up, Also they are in a studio. The sound in the clip is a key part as it is what the clip is centred around, it is very catch and upbeat which sets the mood of the film, it links with the theme of a wedding as well as the lyrics are 'wishing and hoping', this suggest she wants the best in her marriage. The titles are completely un-entergrated from the clip, they are in a yellow colour which helps them stand out against the background of the clip, however they are very basic and discreet, they are mainly central and the font used is similar to handwriting, something which you would find on a wedding invite.

Lord Of War

-surprisingly upbeat
-slightly ironic considering someone gets shot in the head
-follows someone lives
-happy music
-about war
-country theme
-not integrated
-structured font
-centre of screen


At the beginning of the clip you don't really get much information in terms of the genre, the film begins in a factory however when the setting begins to change and you see that you are following a bullet, you can begin to see that the genre may be along the lines of an action or a thriller. Through out the clip you learn that one of the main narratives of the film is going to be war as the clip follows a bullet and ends up in about two different war zones. Also due to the fact you see a lot of soldiers and fighting, another narrative is something to do with politics, and obviously due to the gun shot near the end, violence. The main character in the film isn't given away in the opening scene, however you do see various different workers, soldiers, natives and a tribe, this tells the viewer that there are possibly going to be a lot of people in this film. The atmosphere of the film, considering the themes and genre, is surprisingly upbeat, this is mainly down to the music used, it is also a very ironic atmosphere, because it is seen to be happy and upbeat, even though they are in a war zone and someone gets shot. The themes of the opening clip are very clear, the fact  that the opening scene follows the life of a bullet, could suggest that the whole of the film follows someones life. Other themes shown in the clip are themes of death, pain, and doom, this is due to the fact they are in a war zone. There are many settings in the clip including a factory, harbour, ship and jungle, this suggests that the whole film will have many settings. The music used is actually about war, so this backs up the fact one of the themes of the clip is war, it is also very upbeat and slightly country themed, this helps set the mood for the rest of the film. The titles in the film are not integrated and are very basic, however it is a very structured font, normally centred in the middle of the screen.

Panic Room


-not much is given away

- a woman is the only character featured in the clip  
-fast pace

-everyday lives of people
-new York city
-inner city

-changed when the main title appears
-titles run with and alongside the city scape
-metallic balloons in the city


Due to the fact that all you really see in the opening scene is the titles and the city it is set in it is hard to draw from the clip what genre the whole film might be, however the eerie and tense music used helps the audience find that the film is an action and a thriller. The narrative of the film isn't given away at all, which adds to the air of mystery and suspense. The only person featured in the clip is a woman right at the end, this suggests that a woman may be the or one of the many characters. The whole atmosphere of the clip is very tense, eerie and sinister, this is mainly due to the music. The themes of the clip are hard to draw but due to the fact it is in a city, it may have something to do with peoples everyday lives, it also may have something to do with crime and mystery, because of the music that is used. The only real clue you get given in terms of setting is the fact it is set in New York. The sound used plays a very big part in the clip and setting the mood of the film, it is a very eerie and tense piece of music meaning that the rest of the film is probably going to be as well, also the music changes and become even more mysterious when the title of the film comes up, meaning that the words 'panic' and 'room' obviously play a big part in the plot of the film. The titles of the film are actually made from helium balloons, the titles run along side the city scape and are completely integrated. 

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