Monday, January 28, 2013

Analysis of Student Films

Student Film 1
The genre of the opening of this film is very unclear as the only way you can get an indication of it is from the music, however the music is still very vague, the overall genre of the film could possibly be a drama or a thriller. 
The editing in this film is very basic, there are so special effects and fade to blacks and fast cuts are used to create an atmosphere in the piece, the editing when the two female characters meet outside suggest heated conversation or an argument, helping to back up the idea that the film may be a drama or a thriller. There is also a wipe from the title to the next scene, which shows a movement of time and scene.
 At the beginning of the clip there is little speech, however there is music played over the top, this music creates an atmosphere of tension and fear, also helping back up the idea that the film is a drama or thriller.
The camera angles used are mainly long or mid shots, there is a slight close up of a female character on the floor, however the camera angles in this film are very basic.
 The mise-en-scene in the clip is very minimal, near the end of the clip when the male and female character are in the office, they are dressed in very formal clothing, this suggests that something bad has happened and that they are there because of a very serious reason.
The titles in this film are very basic, in terms of font, it is very basic and doesn’t really fit in with the idea of a film being a drama or a thriller, also the fact the titles cut away to a black screen every time they come up makes the clip overall very disjointed.
There is one main character that is a young female, how we understand from the clip, accidentally kills someone, then there is the other young female, who is killed, then we have the young male who seems to be a police man or an investigator, there is also a third young female who brings the male some documents.

A positive point about this student film is that it uses the non-diegetic music which is played over the top to create a very good atmosphere and also puts emphasis on the genre of the opening. Another positive point is that the editing used during that argument scene is very effective as it helps the audience understand what’s going on and put empathises on the situation.
One of the main negative points I have found in this film is that everything is very basic, the editing, sound, mise and camera angles are all very basic and don't really do much in terms of skill and to put empathises on the genre of the film, the group could've challenged themselves by using more complex editing, sound, mise and camera angles to make the film look better and also help the audience understand the genre of the piece better.

Student Film 2
The genre of the opening of this film is very clear as you can tell from almost the begining that the genre is a horror or a thriller, as there is very tense music and there is a knife covered in blood near the begining .
The editing in this film is done very well, there are very fast cuts, also there is a reverse backwards which helps the viewer understand how the events in the begining happened. The titles are also done very cleaverly as the names of the people in the title spell out the production company.
At the begining of the clip there is little speech, however there is music played over the top, this music creates an atmosphere of tension and fear, also helping back up the idea that the film is a drama or thriller.
The camera angles used are very varied, there is a mixture of long, mid and close ups, this helps the audience see the scene from man perpectives and also helps them see details like the blood on the knife or the leaking tap.
The mise-en-scene in the clip is very minimal, there a knife and sink covered in blood this helps the audience understand what is going on in the clip and that the genre of the clip is a horror or a thriller.
The titles in this film are very well done, they use pieces of paper with the title and production company written on them, instead of going for the standard titles you'd edit over, this means the titles are intergrated and fit in with the genre of the film.
There is one main character who is a young female, how we understand from the clip, is murdered, there is also a mother, who we never see or here but is on the other end of the phone, and there is also the man standing outside, who we conclude from the clip is the murder.
The main positive of this film is that the editing, camera angles and sound used are very skilled and help make the film look very professional and of a good quality, I think the editing is the most positive part of the whole film as it really puts empathises on the horror genre and also makes the film look very professional
I think a big down side to this film is that there is minimal Mise-en-Scene, this makes it look basic in places, a good use of Mise-en-Scene could've made the film look a lot better and also would help with the genre and making the genre more obvious and dramatic.  

Student Film 3

From almost the very beginning of this film you can tell quite clearly that the genre of this film is an action film, the first give away is the setting and the music, you can clearly tell from the establishing shot of the building that it is somewhere an action film would be set, also the tense music helps to set the scene and helps the audience understand that the film is an action.
The editing of this film is very professional; the student has used very good editing software which means that the film has a very professional, skilled outcome. The quality of the film is very good and also the continuity of the piece is very good, the shots run smoothly into each other and appropriate transitions are used where it is necessary.
The piece of music used in the film is also very professional; it fits well with the genre and overall feel so the piece and really helps set the tone of the opening, as well as the whole film, while also showing that audience from the start what the genre of the film is going to be.
A very good quality camera was used to film this piece which helps give it a professional look, also the angles and the shots used are very good and suit the genre and overall feel of the film. An equal amount of close, long and mid shots is used which means that you get to see the film from many different perspectives and also adds variety, keeping the viewer interested.
The mise-en-scene of the piece is also very important, the actors in the piece are all dressed in the appropriate costume to suit the age and role of their character, they also have many props which add to the feel and genre of the film, such as a bomb and a gun, the lighting in the piece is very bright in places but also very dark, but the lighting follows the mood of the piece.
The titles in this piece look very professional, the titles are motion tracked which mean they follow a certain part of what is in the frame, such as an item, wall or person, meaning they look very edgy, and like something you would see in mainstream film. Also the font used for the titles suits the genre well.
The characters in this film are a young boy who seems to be on a high speed, chase through a car park from two adult males.
There are many positive points to this film, Overall I think the film performs exceptional well in every one of the above categories and has come out of production with a very well edited, professional finish. I think the most positive part of the whole film opening is the title though, as they look extremely professional and suit the genre.
Personally I think the only negative point to this film is that at points towards the end some of the titles are harder to read than others, and also the film is slightly too long.

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